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Rechercher çıkıntı araştırma


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Rechercher çıkıntı araştırma

En son konular
» tsl puan tablosu
Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Ekim 20, 2009 10:40 am tarafından maxeus

» Animasyonlar
Children of nile İNDİR EmptyPtsi Ekim 19, 2009 4:22 pm tarafından Admin

» kırık tamir edilebilir linkler buraya
Children of nile İNDİR EmptyPtsi Ekim 19, 2009 4:20 pm tarafından Admin

» vizyondakiler
Children of nile İNDİR EmptyPaz Ekim 18, 2009 9:06 am tarafından Admin

» --BANLAR--
Children of nile İNDİR EmptyC.tesi Eyl. 26, 2009 5:29 pm tarafından Admin

» NAYDAS nedir
Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Eyl. 22, 2009 1:56 pm tarafından Admin

» Ameliyat İçin Tıklayın
Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Eyl. 22, 2009 12:49 pm tarafından maxeus

Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Eyl. 22, 2009 12:10 pm tarafından maxeus

» TaXi 4 ....!
Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Eyl. 22, 2009 11:21 am tarafından maxeus

En son konular
» tsl puan tablosu
Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Ekim 20, 2009 10:40 am tarafından maxeus

» Animasyonlar
Children of nile İNDİR EmptyPtsi Ekim 19, 2009 4:22 pm tarafından Admin

» kırık tamir edilebilir linkler buraya
Children of nile İNDİR EmptyPtsi Ekim 19, 2009 4:20 pm tarafından Admin

» vizyondakiler
Children of nile İNDİR EmptyPaz Ekim 18, 2009 9:06 am tarafından Admin

» --BANLAR--
Children of nile İNDİR EmptyC.tesi Eyl. 26, 2009 5:29 pm tarafından Admin

» NAYDAS nedir
Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Eyl. 22, 2009 1:56 pm tarafından Admin

» Ameliyat İçin Tıklayın
Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Eyl. 22, 2009 12:49 pm tarafından maxeus

Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Eyl. 22, 2009 12:10 pm tarafından maxeus

» TaXi 4 ....!
Children of nile İNDİR EmptySalı Eyl. 22, 2009 11:21 am tarafından maxeus


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Children of nile İNDİR

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Mesaj tarafından maxeus C.tesi Ağus. 01, 2009 9:10 am

Children of nile İNDİR 14why6ch7kza19wqwzt4r0ksbmp73esu6

Children of nile İNDİR 1113158899-00

UK RELEASE: 04-Feb-2005 (Released) | NORDIC RELEASE: 04-Feb-2005 (Released) | US RELEASE: 08-Nov-2004 (Released)
TITLE: Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile
GENRE: Strategy
DEVELOPER: Tilted Mill
US PUBLISHER: Myelin Media

Children of the Nile is the next generation of city-building game,
where, as Pharaoh, you lead the people of ancient Egypt, uniting them
as you elevate your status, striving to become a supreme and god-like
ruler. You design and build glorious cities in which hundreds of
seemingly real people live and work in an interconnected societal web,
each facet of their lives played out in vivid detail. Eventually you
will forge the most advanced civilization of the ancient world, achieve
works of wonder and build a lasting and unique empire to stand for the
ages with you as its personification. You'll dispatch your armies and
navies to all corners of the known world, and erect monuments of
splendor, including your own magnificent tomb. Come, enter your realm:
the black land, Egypt.

Your journey begins on the banks of the Nile, some 5,000 years ago - an
idyllic setting, where simple villagers live out their uncomplicated
lives, harvesting fish and waterfowl from the rich waters of the
life-giving river. Their life is carefree, though primitive. That's
where you come in. You can lead them to achieve so much more.

As you begin to direct their efforts, hunter-gatherers become farmers
(and laborers), and farmers become craftsmen. You dole out rural
estates to the nobility, and soon your royal granaries fill with the
grain you receive in taxes. Government craftsmen churn out piles of
bricks, and now your capital city is ready to take off. With your food
stores your government can support some educated workers. Your scribes
help secure revenue, vital to your ongoing efforts. Overseers supervise
large-scale labor operations, such as mining, quarrying, and of course
the construction of massive monuments. Your priests provide social
services to your citizens, tending the gods, curing the sick, educating
the nobility. Military commanders forge the unskilled peasant masses
into a sophisticated fighting force. Your capital city teems with
activity your people begin to believe in you and your dynasty as the
society you've created grows to become the most magnificent
civilization of the ancient world.

* First historic city building game featuring an immersive 3D graphics engine
* Revolutionary interface designed for intuitive and immediate usability across all audiences
* Behavioral technology based on human nature delivers a compelling experience with hours of replay value
* Dynamic societal simulation where government and natural resource management are vital to the success of your civilization
* Erect breathtaking monuments to commemorate your achievements and build your legacy
* Explore and combat neighboring provinces or expand through diplomacy and trade
* Powerful, customizable Campaign and Map Editors

600 mb




Mesaj Sayısı : 446
Kayıt tarihi : 29/07/09
Yaş : 28
Nerden : Bursa


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